08.07.20 – Online Panel Discussion – The UK is the second biggest exporter in the world – of services.

08 July 2020
2.00 pm – 3.30 pm
Online Panel Discussion – The UK is the second biggest exporter in the world - of services.
The UK is the second biggest exporter in the world – of services. How can we exploit this in the new world order? DISCUSS!
This online Panel Discussion – organised by Devonshire House and collaborating with The Institute of Export and International Trade and with BDO on 8.7.20 – is aimed at discovering what this statement means and where the opportunities lie in the hugely uncertain business world now unfolding
- The Event planned for 8.7.20 will now be online. The purpose of this Panel Discussion is to talk through, with the Panellists, aspects of a Position Paper setting out the present penetration of the different elements of the services sector, along with the headline reasons for success and barriers encountered. This will be circulated ahead of the Event and will form the basis of a more detailed Report, planned for release in September.
- In September, there will be a second online webinar to present and discuss a Research Paper to be prepared by BDO and the Institute of Export and International Trade and the DIT.
- Finally, in November, we are provisionally planning a “live event” and the presentation of the [updated] Research Document based on our joint activities, including an interactive discussion around its findings and hosted by BDO in their London facilities – Covid-19 restrictions and general sentiments permitting. More information will be made available as events unfold.
The Programme
2.00pm – Welcome to the event from Devonshire House
2.02pm – Introductions and opening comments from the Chairman
2.10pm – 4 X 6 minute presentations from panel members
2.40pm – 30 minute managed discussion aimed at pooling information and ideas.
3.10pm – Summing up by the Chairman
3.20pm – Final comments from BDO
The Position Paper
The purpose of this Paper is to provide sufficient information to you – and others looking at joining us on this Project – to enable you to get the best out of the first stage of this on 8.7.20. The suggestion is that this should be a designed 4 page A4 PDF for online use and will cover the basic facts and figures of the Services Export Market. It is also aimed at starting the preparation of the Research Brief – due in September and with a final discussion in November, hosted by BDO at their London facilities.
About the Chairman and the four Panellists
Chairman – Terry Scuoler CBE
Terry Scuoler is Chairman of The Institute of Export & International Trade. Prior to this he was CEO of the EEF and, prior to this, Managing Director of Ferranti Technologies Ltd where he led a management buy-in and became Managing Director and with a supportive team returned the company from years of decline and a loss-making situation to one of substantial growth and high profitability. He sits on a number of Ministerial Committees, from 2014-17 chaired the Board of the European Council of Engineering, Manufacturing and Technology Companies (CEEMET) which represents over 230,000 companies and sat on the Boards of SEMTA and the University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Institute (AMI). In 2017 he was awarded the CBE for services for the Manufacturing & Engineering Sectors.
Lord Green
Stephen Green, Baron Green of Hurstpierpoint, is a British politician, former Conservative Minister of State for Trade and Investment, former group chairman of HSBC Holdings plc, and Anglican priest. Lord Green began his professional life as a civil servant in the Ministry of Overseas Development, as it was then. In 1977, he joined McKinsey & Co and the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation in 1982 and in 1992 became group treasurer of HSBC Holdings plc with responsibility for the HSBC Group’s treasury and capital markets businesses globally. In 1998 Green was appointed to the Board of HSBC Holdings plc as as Executive Director of Investment Banking and Markets. He became Group Chief Executive in 2003 and Group Chairman 2006, retiring from HSBC in December 2010. Lord Green has written six books.
Kim Hayward
Kim is a Senior Audit Partner in the Southampton office and has had positions of management with BDO including Marketing and HR. He ran the Southampton office for 6 years. He is the UK firm’s International Liaison Partner managing, on behalf of the UK firm, relationships with the other 140 BDO member firms around the world and looking after major cross-border clients and prospective clients and Global relationships. He also represents the UK on BDOs’ European Board looking at strategic and operational issues and opportunities across Europe. These roles take him to China, India, Russia, the USA and many of the European countries. Kim chairs BDO’s Europe China Desk which advises businesses working, or seeking to work, cross-border and supporting our clients M&A activities. In the UK he oversees their India and China Advisory Services teams.
Marco Forgione
Marco is Director General of the Institute of Export and International Trade and took up his role in January 2020. Following graduation from LSE with a degree in Geography, Marco’s first role was as parliamentary assistant to the then Shadow Minister of Environment and Urban Affairs which included being appointed as the Secretary to the Enquiry into Urban Policy, City 2020. This was followed by a Director roles with the Landscape Institute, the Royal Chartered Institute for Landscape Designers and in Education, dealing with the non-statutory funded provision issues, apprenticeships, business training schemes, internationally funded programmes and business partnerships. In 2008 Marco was appointed as CEO at the International Visual Communication Association, where he established the Association as a key partner with UK Trade & Investment, leading trade missions to UAE, Qatar, China, Germany and India. In 2014 he led the merger of the International Visual Communication Association with Eventia, the corporate events association, to create EVCOM, the leading creative corporate communication association and in 2014 he led the merger of the International Visual Communication Association with Eventia, the corporate events association, to create EVCOM, the leading creative corporate communication association. Prior to joining the IoEx, Marco led BADA, the British Antique Dealers’ Association, helping transform century old association, including through the creation of the fastest growing on-line platform in the sector.
Susan Caldwell
Susan Caldwell is Director, Financial & Professional Services, Department for International Trade (DIT)
Susan is responsible for leading UK Government’s trade and investment support to the Financial and Professional Services sector. This includes helping UK-based companies in this sector grow their business internationally; attracting high value foreign direct investment (FDI) into the UK’s financial and related professional services; developing relationships with across the sector to ensure it remains internationally competitive and supporting the removal of any barriers to international trade. Susan represents DIT on the wider UK Government response to future growth opportunities, including building on our strengths in Islamic Finance, Green Finance and Fintech.
In her prior role in DIT, Susan promoted large-scale UK infrastructure, housing and regeneration projects to international institutional investor, and opportunities to invest in UK growth through venture capital. She managed the relationships between the largest global corporates most heavily invested in and trading from the UK to join up engagement across UK Government, and advised on the key policy and financial barriers companies faced in their choices of investment geo-location. She has also held roles at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) and Home Office.
The majority of Susan’s career before Government was spent in business development of international retail and commercial banking and in strategic management consulting. She holds an MBA from Henley Business School and MEng from Cambridge University.
About BDO
BDO’s global organisation extends across 167 countries and territories, with 88,120 people working out of 1,617 offices.
BDO says:- “We are all working towards one goal: to provide our clients with exceptional service. Our firms across the organisation cooperate closely and comply with consistent operating principles and quality standards. That means local resources who understand your business, your local and international markets and the specifics of your industry: all backed by a truly global organisation.”
The fee income of all BDO firms, including the members of their exclusive alliances, was US$9.6 billion as of 30 September 2019.
BDO’s vision is to be the leader for exceptional client service. “This is not about reinventing our profession’s approach to service, but about delivering our services exceptionally well – and delivering that high quality consistently in every office, every country and every territory where we have a presence. No matter where you do business, we have people who can help.” www.bdo.co.uk
The Institute of Export & International Trade……….
……. was established in 1935 and is the professional membership body representing and supporting the interests of everyone involved in importing, exporting and international trade. The Institute of Export & International Trade’s mission is to enhance the export performance of the United Kingdom by setting and maintaining professional standards in international trade management and export practice. This is principally achieved by the provision of education, training and practical business support services. ffering a unique range of individual and business membership benefits and a world renowned suite of qualifications and training, the Institute is the leading authority in best practice and competence for businesses trading globally. Registered Charity number. 266395
About Devonshire House
Charles Russam is Managing Director of Devonshire House. Devonshire House Network is a people-focused membership club for Director-level professionals in leadership roles who have an instinctive focus on the human side of enterprise. Our purpose is to create, for our members, thinking time and space for key business issues and where people make the difference. At the heart of Devonshire House are senior decision makers keen to discover and explore original thinking and information generated from all the Events we promote and delivered primarily through our broad range of high-level Speaker Events, Director Forums, our Debates and peer-to-peer networking.– more info at www.DevonshireHouseNetwork.co.uk
Date & Time
Online Event
What makes this Event very special is that it is – actually – three Events and two – maybe three – Expert Reports and takes place over an extended period of time from now and until the end of November – and maybe beyond.
The normal ticket price for the three events is £40 each (£120 for 3 events) The price for the first two events plus reports is offered at £60.
The plan for the November Reception – to be hosted by BDO – will likely include an updated Research Paper. Current Devonshire House discount arrangements are available to Devonshire House Members. Both BDO and the Institute for Export and International Trade have discount codes for colleagues and clients.