17.04.18 Director Forum – Areiel Wolanow – Finserv Experts

17 APR 2018
Director Forum - Areiel Wolanow
by Devonshire House Network
[booked-calendar year=”2018″ month=”4″ day=”17″ style=”list” calendar=”31″]
“LMTOM Innovation – Learn how distributed ledger technology enables the London market to envision a new, decentralised business model”
This important Director Forum Event – hosted by Moore Stephens at their London offices – will be led and presented by Areiel Wolanow at 4.30pm to 6.30pm on 17.4.18.
In 2017 the London insurance market asked a simple question. “Could a new, more effective, significantly lower cost operating model be created for premium and claims processing between brokers and carriers using emerging innovative technologies?”
In response, the London Market Target Operating Model (LMTOM) program commissioned a feasibility study to craft a vision of how such a model would work and define the business case for implementing such a model. This study was completed last year, and the answer was an unequivocal ‘yes’.
The findings of this study, and LMTOM’s vision for this model, have now been made public. The lead solution architect and author of the business case for this feasibility study was Areiel Wolanow. We have invited him to present and manage this important DHN Director Forum.
This will be a highly interactive session. Areiel will be walking us through the findings of the study and facilitating an open discussion with you and your peers about the broader impact that blockchain and distributed ledger technology will have on how insurance is sold and delivered around the world.
A White Paper has just been published. You can find it at: https://tomsupports.london/news/lm-tom-innovation-explores-decentralising-accounting-and-claims
About the Speaker
Areiel Wolanow is Managing Director of Finserv Experts, an independent consultancy that provides delivery and advisory services focused on blockchain and machine learning. He served for 11 years at IBM, during which time he established IBM’s blockchain services practice in the ASEAN region, and led the solutioning and delivery of IBM’s first commercial consulting engagement in blockchain, a trade finance prototype for two of the world’s largest banks.
Areiel has advised central banks and financial regulators around the globe on blockchain and machine learning, led the delivery of a credit scoring solution for Kenya’s world-leading mPesa mobile payments platform, and addressed the G20 on the ability of these emerging technologies to transform financial inclusion. He is currently engaged by the LMTOM program to transform the vision outlined in the feasibility study into a workable design that can be built and deployed.
About Moore Stephens
Moore Stephens is a top ten accounting and advisory network. With over 2000 partners and staff and operating out of 37 offices, Moore Stephens helps clients thrive in a changing world. The Moore Stephens International network turns over around £3bn from over 600 offices and with about 30,000 partners and staff. Moore Stephens works with its clients to help them overcome challenges and achieve their international objectives.
Moore Stephens was named 2017 Accountancy Firm of the Year in the CityAM Awards, celebrating London’s financial and business community and its most successful individuals and firms. This was the eighth year the awards had been held – and the first time that the Accountancy Firm of the Year accolade has been awarded to a firm from outside the largest six firms.
We are very grateful to Moore Stephens for hosting this Event at their London Offices at 150 Aldersgate Street, London, EC1A 4AB. Tel: +44 (0)20 7334 9191
Tea/coffee and biscuits will be served on arrival at 4.30pm – and wine and soft drinks will be available at 6.30pm.
About DHN Director Forums.
DHN Director Forums are aimed at Chairmen/women, Executive and Non-Executive Directors – and those who them. Director Forums are working, interactive and creative groups focused on key business issues – usually at 4.30pm to 6.30pm – followed by networking over a glass of wine – and are ideally suited to active executives looking for a short, sharp immersion in a specific topic, generally seen as topical, sensitive or tricky and in the company of others with similar interests. Director Forums, part of the Devonshire House Network, are also valuable networking events – and designed to fit in unobtrusively to your daily work routines. http://www.devonshirehousenetwork.co.uk/dhn-director-forums/
Date & Time
Moore Stephens
150 Aldersgate Street
Book your place:
[booked-calendar year=”2018″ month=”4″ day=”17″ style=”list” calendar=”31″]