20.03.18 Director Forum – Living in a Weinstein World

20 MAR 2018
Director Forum – Living in a Weinstein World – Coping Strategies for Organisations
by Devonshire House Network
Too Hot to Handle! Please note that this Event will not now take place.
Our – unprecedented and incontrovertible – feedback is that this is toxic – don’t touch it. An authoritative and high-profile celebrity activist said to us – “ I am sort of not surprised about your Living in a Weinstein World. I think people might be TERRIFIED of attending, such actually is the Weinstein effect.” Adding- about an Event– they usually get 100 people but only got less than 50 and at the start people were almost speaking in hushed tones – (are they) losing sense of proportion and so on but everyone said afterwards that organisations are in state of fear about revelations bringing down their industry / org etc.” Also, an internationally respected retired Oxbridge Don told us that he thought that the Weinstein impact would match in scale that of the Suffragette movement. No wonder that, at the time we made this decision not to go ahead, we’d only had two bookings – both men.
DHN Director Forums are supposed to be ideally suited to active executives looking for a short, sharp immersion in a specific topic, generally seen as sensitive or tricky and in the company of others with similar interests. But not suicidally so!
Living in a Weinstein World… Coping Strategies for Organisations
Very probably, you won’t find any matter – currently – that is so topical and so bubbling with potential difficulties for businesses than this one – with its focus on sexual harassment but touching on so many other sensitive areas.
Here are some of the questions that businesses should be asking themselves in this continuing drama:-
- What are the risks for organisations that fail to handle sexual harassment complaints effectively?
- What does the law say about harassment?
- How can employers minimise the risks of complaints arising and how should they be best dealt with? Can you possibly
know what might be latent? - How far do employers’ obligations extend in relation to historic matters?
- What about police involvement?
- Are settlement agreements a good idea and do gagging clauses work?
- Can you terminate a business relationship on the basis of suspicions, rather than findings?
- What about the rights of the accused?
- Considering “He versus She”: are we seeing an emergence of segregations or censorship based on sex?
- What are the practical implications around reputation, damage limitation and brand management?
DHN Director Forums are aimed at Chairmen/women, Executive and Non-Executive Directors – and those who advise them. They are short, early evening occasions – followed by networking over a glass of wine – and are ideally suited to active executives looking for a short, sharp immersion in a specific topic, generally seen as sensitive or tricky and in the company of others with similar interests. http://www.devonshirehousenetwork.co.uk/dhn-director-forums/
Date & Time
Event cancelled