Devonshire House Talks – 29.9.18

Devonshire House Talks – 29.9.18

Devonshire House …… an unsolicited quote ……  how it used to done ..….30 years ago

“It is wonderful how small the business world is. While not mentioned in the history of the Devonshire House Network, I got to know its founder Bill (Harold) Nightingale of Devonshire House in Chiswick well after we became friends following a meeting at the IOD in the 90s. I was delighted that he took me under his wing as a young businessman, although I regarded him as my mentor and he helped me navigate the commercial world. It was an odd relationship since I wasn’t a FTSE Personnel (HR) Director but Bill made me an honorary member of DHMC and I used to treasure the unusual ‘pie and a pint’ events that were always held in British Rail Hotels. Also not mentioned, honorary membership of union leaders made it interesting to see the odd union leader turn up and observe how back channels worked as lines of communication during industrial disputes. I lost contact with DHMC after Bill sadly died in 2002 – so hearing about DHN prompted this wonderful memory.”

The Truth about Jobs.

Recently updated and published by is their Occasional Paper “The Truth about Jobs” – see here.  It makes the point that just over half the UK’s working population of 32m are full-time employees on a payroll – the remaining 45% are something different. We call them Self Drive Workers – being a collective description of the myriad of independent working formats difficult to label or define – and which include gig workers and zero-hours workers at lower levels and an increasing number of Professionals at more senior levels – seeing eventual independent working as sensible, suitable and, probably, inevitable.

More info here –

We are delighted to welcome Mark Lancaster, Minister of State for the Armed Forces, to speak at our Devonshire House Event on 30.10.18 and which Partner Martin Warren of Eversheds Sutherland is pleased to host and Partner Alistair Cree will lead the interactive discussion.  You can read more and book here –

Our 2018 Speaker Event Programme concludes on 28.11.18 with Nick Bitel, Chairman of Sport England and also Chief Executive of the London Marathon, in interactive discussion with Darren Bailey of Charles Russell Speechlys who are also kindly hosting this Event.  Most of us will understand the sheer complexity and size of Nick Bitel’s mission – but of particular interest here for all business leaders will be how do you develop the excitement and energy across such a broad front and with disparate stakeholders and sustain it. You can read more and book here

Best wishes

Charles Russam
Managing Director – Devonshire House Network Ltd.
08081 565604 – 07785 297059.

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