Devonshire House Talks – 7.11.18

Devonshire House Talks – 7.11.18
A discussion in the media yesterday reported that Sport England is now targeting low-income groups with new funding. National Lottery grants have now enabled 34 projects to support their work in tackling inactivity among people from lower socio-economic groups.
Sport England’s Nick Bitel will be speaking in person at Devonshire House later this month to discuss and debate the impact that sport has on society – from a business and personal point of view.
Established by Royal Charter in 1996, SPORT ENGLAND is the arms-length body responsible for growing and developing grassroots sport. Their vision is that everyone in England feels able to take part in sport or activity, regardless of age, background or ability.
We are proud to welcome Nick Bitel to Devonshire House on 28.11.2018. MORE INFO HERE.
Best wishes
Charles Russam
Managing Director – Devonshire House Network Ltd.
08081 565604 – 07785 297059.