ERC Events
Here are two important upcoming Events from the ERC. For both of them, you can get £5 off the ticket price if you use the discount code devonshire.
As always, both events will be held at the Royal Overseas League in central London (nearest tube: Green Park), and will start with a drinks reception at 6.30pm followed by the talks running from 7pm to 8pm.
19th April: Richard Murphy, Director of Tax Research UK and one of the economists behind “Corbynomics”, talking about “The Joy of Tax”
Richard Murphy is a chartered accountant and a political economist, who during the summer of 2015 was widely credited with creating “Corbynomics”, and is the creator of the idea now known as People’s Quantitative Easing. A graduate in Economics and Accountancy from Southampton University, he was articled to Peat Marwick Mitchell & Co in London. He subsequently founded a firm of accountants in London which he and his partners sold in 2000. In parallel with his practice career Richard was chairman, chief executive or finance director of more than ten SMEs. Richard created the country-by-country reporting concept and has been credited with creating much of the debate on tax gaps in the UK and Europe. He also defined the term ‘secrecy jurisdictions’, now widely used in debates on offshore. He has been involved in many of the stories on corporate tax abuse that have made headlines in recent years. Richard also developed the idea of the Fair Tax Mark and is technical director of that accreditation scheme.
To book: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/tuesday-19th-april-richard-murphy-tickets-21079460233
3rd May: Brexit Referendum Debate, with Charles Grant (Centre for European Reform) and Andrew Lilico (Europe Economics)
With the in/out EU referendum looming, Charles Grant and Andrew Lilico will be presenting the economic arguments on both sides of the debate. Charles Grant helped to found the Centre for European Reform in 1996. In January 1998 he left The Economist to become the CER’s first director. He was a director and trustee of the British Council from 2002 to 2008. He is a member of the international advisory boards of the Moscow School of Civic Education, the Turkish think-tank EDAM and the French think-tank Terra Nova. He is a member of the council of the Ditchley Foundation, and chairman of the foundation’s programme committee. He is a vice chairman of Business for New Europe. In 2004 he became a chevalier of France’s Ordre Nationale du Mérite, and in 2013 a Companion of St Michael and St George (CMG) “for services to European and wider international policy-making”. Dr Andrew Lilico is a Principal at Europe Economics, a Fellow of the Institute of Economic Affairs, Chairman of Economists for Britain and Chairman of the IEA/Sunday Times Monetary Policy Committee. As Chief Economist of Policy Exchange from 2009-10 he produced what the BBC has described as the “essential theory” behind the Coalition’s initial deficit reduction strategy. At Europe Economics he has worked extensively on major finance and regulatory questions, including for clients such as the European Commission, UK government departments and regulators, industry associations and large firms.
To book: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/tuesday-3rd-may-eu-referendum-debate-tickets-23159619044