Networking – the Broad view
Networking – the Broad view
Given we understand the definition of Networking and also – rapidly becoming more effective and dominating – Social media – which has expanded Networking hugely – it is easy to see –- how what are basically marketing tools can – and do – actually become much more than that. They can become the business. At various stages in the process, the business model changes. offers this definition of Social media:-
Social media is computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and information through the building of virtual networks and communities. By design, social media is internet-based and gives users quick electronic communication of content.
Practical examples will include many online retail businesses. In order to sell and deliver directly, they must first create an online community. Originally, these businesses were bricks and mortar business – but they changed. Now, many have – and are – cutting out the bricks and mortar bit – and are flourishing totally online. Many examples exist elsewhere.
What businesses – of all shapes and sizes do now – and this includes individuals – is to think hard about exactly what they want their business to be – and – hence – how this impacts on Networking. They need to creating their Business Plan -including the Strategy and the Marketing Plans. This will impact on image, branding, marketing, sales promotion, administration and process, IT – CRM

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